ヴィットリオ サウロ
A native of Cetraro, a village on the beautiful coastline of Calabria, Vittorio followed his fondness for the gastronomic arts since an early age and attended the cooking school of the local Hospitality Training Institute. He then went to make his career in Italy and specialized in salami-making, training in Spilinga – the place of origin of the famous `Nduja - and at Cozac – one of the few salami producer in Calabria with D.O.P. (Protected Origin Denomination) certification. During his experiences in Rome, Brianza, Varese and Sondrio he also learned the art of Bresaola and other typical Italian “salumi”.
“Calabria – my hometown has a very long tradition of meat products, especially pork meat. Every year in November, in almost every household in rural Calabria, takes place the traditional ritual of killing the pig. It is like a feast for the whole community. Every piece of meat is carefully selected and processed to prepare salami for the whole family for the year to come. Everyone gathers around the big table and work hard together, even small kids, who can then experience hands-on how their favorite salami are made.
When Elio came to Japan more than 20 year ago, we promised each other that one day we would have worked together in this country. Now the promise exchanged many years ago is coming true. I will bring to Japan the Italian art of salami-making, to deliver to the table of the Japanese genuine and natural salami, made only with the best Japanese ingredients – just as we used to do in my family back home.
Pease, close your eyes and take a bite... and I will take you to my mother`s table!!
About Antica Salumeria-アンティカサルメリア-
Vittorio Saulo
Vittorio with Salumi Grande Maestro Zii Franciscu
石川 洋平
Antica Salumeria 代表取締役
皆様、始めましてAntica Salumeria代表の、石川洋平と申します。
この度、長年、日本のイタリア食文化の第一線で活躍をされているエリオの指揮の元に発足されたAntica Salumeriaで、ついに本物のイタリアのサラミが出来上がりました!
2014年にエリオの故郷であるカラブリアに訪問した際に出逢ったサラミの味...この味は日本では絶対に味わう事は出来ないと思っておりました。がしかしエリオの情熱でその不可能は可能となりました。この日本で国産の豚肉を使い、イタリア人サラミ職人ヴィットリオ サウロによって。エリオとヴィットリオは日本とイタリアの環境の違いも物ともせずに情熱と最高峰の技術を駆使して成し遂げました。
Dear all, please let me introduce myself. My name is Youhei Ishikawa and I am the representative director of Antica Salumeria.
Under the lead and supervision of Elio Orsara, who for almost two decades has been successfully promoting Italian gastronomic culture in Japan, Antica Salumeria has finally become a reality, making it possible to enjoy genuine Italian-style salami made in Japan!
I cannot forget the taste of the salami I enjoyed when I visited Elio`s hometown in Calabria back in 2014… I honestly thought I would never been able enjoy the same taste in Japan. But thanks to Elio`s passion, the impossible has become possible. Here in Japan, with Japanese pork meat, and thanks to the skills of Vittorio Saulo – our salami Maestro. Elio and Vittorio, without worrying even for an instant about the cultural and environmental differences between Japan and Italy, made this project succeed with their enthusiasm and top-level skills.
I am deeply thankful to all the people who took part to this project. I will repay all of their efforts delivering this excellent salami to the Japanese table in the whole country.
Please, take your time to try Antica Salumeria salami.
Thank you
Yohei Ishikawa
エリオ オルサーラ
アンティカサルメリア 創業者
南イタリア カラブリアに生まれたエリオオルサーラは、日本の新鮮な食材とイタリアの伝統的な技術を融合させた、素朴でありながら風味豊かなイタリア料理を25 年間に渡り研究してきました。
Italian born of Calabrian heritage, Elio Orsara, has focused for over 25 years on bringing Italian flavors to Japan through the simplicity and richness of merging Japanese ingredients with Italian cuisine.
Since his arrival in the early nineties, Elio fell in love with Japan and decided to make it his home. He raised a family with his wife, and they have two children who share both Italian and Japanese heritage. Throughout his time in Japan, Elio discovered the high quality and potential of Japanese produce; he made it a goal to blend these elements to the Italian cuisine. The result is a high quality Italian salami made entirely from Japanese ingredients.
Elio now brings to Japan the expertise of Italian salami making tradition made with only the best natural ingredients farmed in Japan. His objective is to support the Japanese farmers who are core to the country's development and his way to 'give something back' to his adoptive home.
“Whisky was not originated in Japan but Japanese whisky is today among the best in the world. I wish to do the same for salami and I will work hard to achieve this goal. I invite you to be part of this dream to try our salami and give us your sincere feedback to make the 'all Japan' concept' salami a reality. “