Our Salumi

' Nduja -Hot Cream Salami- -ンドゥイヤ-
`Nduja is one of the most unique pork meat products. It originates from the southern part of Calabria, namely from the small town of Spilinga and its neighborhood.
`Nduja is a spicy, spreadable pork sausage, typically made with trimmings from various meat cuts, fatback, roasted peppers and a mixture of spices, which give it its characteristic fiery taste. `Nduja is cured in a casing like hard salami, but it maintains a soft texture that is spreadable at room temperature. It is mainly served with slices of bread or with ripe cheese. Its unique taste makes it suitable for a variety of dishes. For example, it can be added to pasta sauces, or used as a topping on pizza.

Salsiccia Calabra -サルシッチャ カラブラ ドルチェ / ピカンテ-
カラブリアのサラミ作りの伝統は、南イタリアがギリシャの植民地だった時代、いわゆる大ギリシャ時代(マーニャ グレーチャ)に遡ります。豚肉を芸術のような味わいのサルシッチャに加工する技術は、カラブリアの畜産農家の間で秘密に受け継がれ、カラブリア州の中でもそれぞれの土地で違うレシピが存在しています。
サルシッチャには主に肩肉が使われ、背脂を加えてさまざまなスパイスで風味付けされますが、特筆すべきはサルシッチャに独特な香りとアクセントをつけるフェンネル シードです。このユニークな味は地ぶどうで作られた力強くアルコール度数が高めの赤ワインと一緒に味わうと最高です。サルシッチャは、そのままおつまみとしてもおいしいですが、パンとチーズを添えて前菜にするのはとてもおいしいものです。また、パスタにはもちろん、グラタンにもよく合います。
Calabria`s salami-making tradition it is said to have its origins back in the Magna Grecia period, when southern Italy was a Greek colony. The secret art of processing pork meat in delicious “salsiccia” has been handed down in rural Calabria families through generations until today, with different recipe variation for different areas of the region.
It is one of the most representative and well-known products of the region pork meat products.
It is usually made mainly from the shoulder meat, mixed with fatback and then seasoned with a varieties of spices, among which fennel seeds particularly stands out, giving the product a unique accent. The peculiar taste is better enjoyed when paired with local red wines, strong in flavor and with a relatively high alcohol content. Salsiccia can be enjoyed as it is, as an appetizer together with bread, cheese and other “salumi”, or it can become part of richer preparations, like pasta al forno.

Salame Classico Bianco -サラミ クラシコ ビアンコ-
サラミ フェリーノはパルマの近くにある緑のバガンツァの谷にある小さな町“フェリーノ”の名前が付いた豚肉のシンプルな味わいを持つサラミです。そのエリアは森が広がりかつては豚の群れが育てられていました。サラミ フェリーノの長い歴史は紀元1年の頃から始まります。
Salame Felino is a pure pork salame that takes the name from Felino, a small town located in the green Baganza valley near Parma. The area is full of forests where herds of pigs were raised in the ancient times, hence the long history of Salame Felino, which has been produced since the first century A.D.
The fresh meat used to make the salame is carefully selected from deboned shoulder and belly that is ground with lean and fat cuts of ham. After the meat is coarsely ground, salt, whole peppercorns and white wine are added. The salame is then stuffed by hand into a pork casing. It is then aged slowly and the final product should be soft, with a sweet taste and delicate aroma.
In the pre-Roman, Roman, Medieval and Renaissance periods, it was consumed cooked. Since the second half of the 18th century, however, it appeared as a raw product, cut into thin slices.

SalameNapoli Piccante -サラミナポリピカンテ-
サラミ ナポリも、そのような典型的な発展をたどったナポリ地方に伝わる伝統のサラミです。
サラミ ナポリは、粗挽きして軽くスパイスされた豚肉を使います。辛いスパイスは香り高く味わい深い完璧に調合されます。前菜には手でスライスしてパンとチーズを添えます。
Salame in Italy has a very long tradition that dates back to the ancient Greek and Roman times. Every region developed its own typical recipes, according to the local climate and environment, and the taste preferences. That is the case also for Salame Napoli, typical of the Naples area.
It is produced with roughly ground, lightly spiced pork meat. Hot spices create a perfect harmony of fragrances and flavours. It can be eaten as it is as an appetizer, hand-sliced with some bread and cheese. It most typical use is slice don top of pizza, or sautéed with green-leaf vegetables like “friarielli” (a variety of broccoli typical of the Naples area).

Recommended for Pizzeria -ピッツェリアにおすすめ

Sopressata Calabra Bianca -ソプレッサータ カラブラ ビアンカ-
ソプレッサータ ビアンカには、スパイスのお肉の繊細な味をより一層引き立てる黒胡椒が主に使われます。
Among the various salumi of the Calabrian tradition, Soppressata is the most refined, since it is made using the lean parts of the pork meat. It is a treat to be eaten on special days, or when important guests visit the family.
Soppressata is traditionally made from medium-grounded pork lean meat (mainly shoulder and thigh), fatback and natural spices. Once cured in the casing, the product is pressed so to get the typical oval shape, from which the product takes its name (“soppressata” meaning “pressed”). It is then aged for about 45 days.
In the Soppressata Bianca, the main spice is black pepper, which further exalts the delicate taste of the meat.

Sopressata Calabra Piccante -ソプレッサータ カラブラ ピカンテ-
Among the various salumi of the Calabrian tradition, Soppressata is the most refined, since it is made using the lean parts of the pork meat. It is a treat to be eaten on special days, or when important guests visit the family.
Soppressata is traditionally made from medium-grounded pork lean meat (mainly shoulder and thigh), fatback and natural spices. Once cured in the casing, the product is pressed so to get the typical oval shape, from which the product takes its name (“soppressata” meaning “pressed”). It is then aged for about 45 days.
In the Soppressata Piccante, you can appreciate the intense flavor of sweet pepper and chilli pepper, that give the product a unique flavor and the typical red color.
Among the various salumi of the Calabrian tradition, Soppressata is the most refined, since it is made using the lean parts of the pork meat. It is a treat to be eaten on special days, or when important guests visit the family.
Soppressata is traditionally made from medium-grounded pork lean meat (mainly shoulder and thigh), fatback and natural spices. Once cured in the casing, the product is pressed so to get the typical oval shape, from which the product takes its name (“soppressata” meaning “pressed”). It is then aged for about 45 days.
In the Soppressata Piccante, you can appreciate the intense flavor of sweet pepper and chilli pepper, that give the product a unique flavor and the typical red color.

Sol Levante -サンライズジャパン ~ サラミ入りカチョカバッロ-
This is an original product especially created by Elio and dedicated to Japan. Its image was inspired by the symbol of Japan – the red sun on white background –, and it then became a reality thanks to the cooperation of two Italian Maestro: Fattoria Bio Hokkaido`s cheese master Giovanni Graziano and Antica Salumeria`s salami master Vittorio Saulo. Using only the best Hokkaido milk and Japanese pork, they joined their efforts and created Sunrise Japan: a tasty caciocavallo cheese with a smooth texture with a heart of salami. One slice that puts together the best of two millenary Italian traditions, cheese and salami. You can find slightly similar product also in Calabria.
It can be eaten as it is with some bread, or grilled and served while still hot.

Coppa -コッパ-
Coppa is made with a big, round cut of pork that runs from where the shoulder meets the neck to the fifth-sixth rib of the carré. The meat is aged between six months to a year and can be found stuffed into a pork casing or beef intestine. This salume comes from a family tradition passed down in country farmhouses where it was considered a very special product, to be eaten on holidays or important events. Many years ago in the countryside, coppa was actually used as a sort of bonus: landowners would offer sliced of coppa to their workers to encourage them to work more. Characterized by its tenderness and distinct flavor, coppa is always eaten raw, and should be carved thinly. In fine, sweet slices, it makes the perfect antipasto. Rather dry and hard in texture, coppa slices can also be used to make delicious sandwiches.
Coming Soon

Pancetta -パンチェッタ-
While no recorded history appears to exist on the origins of pancetta, there are shipping records from as early as the 15th century that note the purchase of cured meats for long voyages. Most likely, cured meats were developed for just such a purpose. Italy`s most well known pancette are the Piacentina D.O.P. from Emilia-Romagna and the Calabrese D.O.P., although very good pancette are made in many other regions as well.
Pancetta is dry salted, cured pork belly. There are two basic forms of pancetta: pancetta stesa, flat shaped, and arrotolata, a rolled version. Variations of these two basic forms of pancetta can also be found regionally throughout Italy, each influenced by climate, breed of pig, seasonings and the tradition of local production.
Pancetta can be eaten as it is, thinly sliced, with bread and other salami; but it is also an almost indispensable ingredient in the Italian cuisine. Pancetta is used to add flavor to vegetables and pasta. Roast it with potatoes, Brussels sprouts, squash or radicchio. Add it to any pasta dish for extra flavor. Mince it into stuffings, or fry it crisp and sprinkle over soups.
Coming Soon

Capocollo -カポコッロ-
Capocollo is a traditional Calabrian pork cold cut (“salume”) made from the dry-cured whole muscle running from the neck to the 4th or 5th rib of the pork shoulder or neck. Hence the name capocollo, from capo ("head") and collo ("neck"). Its origin dates back to the time of the colonies of the Magna Graecia, when stuffed pork sausages were introduced to Calabria.
The initial weight of the meat cut is usually between 3.5 and 4.5 kilograms.
Capocollo is first salted for 4 to 8 days, and then lightly seasoned with wine vinegar. It is then massaged, before adding black pepper and a variety of herbs and spices that differ depending on region. The meat is then sand stuffed into the casing, and hung for up to six months to cure.
Capocollo is very delicate in taste, and has an intense aroma thanks to the different spices used. It is usually served sliced very thin, served together with bread, other salami or cheese.
Coming September
Bresaola -ブレザオラ-
Bresaola is air-dried, salted beef that has been aged two or three months until it becomes hard and turns a dark red, almost purple colour. It is made from top (inside) round, and is lean and tender, with a sweet, musty smell. It originated in Valtellina, a valley in the Alps of northern Italy's Lombardy region.
The origin of the name “bresaola” are not clear. Some say it comes from “brasa” (embers), referring to the braziers once used to warm up and dry up the air in the aging space. Others say it might come from “brisa”, a word in the local Valtellina dialect referring to a gland of the cow, an especially tasty part.
Bresaola is usually eaten raw, sliced thin or thicker according to personal preferences. It can be paired with bread, fresh vegetables, other salumi and cheese. It can also become a tasty carpaccio with grana cheese thin slices, rucola, and lemon and oil dressing